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Bytedance Beijing Office Photo

ByteDance Taking on Global Social Media

Over the last recent years, ByteDance has been taking over the social world by storm. You might have been curious about the history or reasons for the fast growth of this...

10 Chinese Unicorns To Follow Up

Numerous high-quality Chinese startups have increased since 2012, and some have even made it to the mythical "Unicorn" status, which are valued upwards of $1 billion. While Silicon Valley still stands at...
Artificial Intelligence in China

The ABC of the Chinese AI Scene (1/3)

In the land that stakes its claim to inventions such as the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing, the Middle Kingdom's technological advancement continues to draw global attention. Chinese technology companies are today raising more venture capital than companies...
Artificial Intelligence in China

The ABC of the Chinese AI Scene (3/3)

In the land that stakes its claim to inventions such as the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing, the Middle Kingdom’s technological advancement continues to draw global attention. Chinese technology companies are today raising more venture capital than companies in...

What drives Chinese hyper-entrepreneurs?

Chinese businesses are no longer producing cheaper versions of international products. They are competing on the world stage leveraging the economies of scale reached in their home markets. In doing so,...